Meshery v0.6.93
Released on June 13, 2023
What’s New
🔤 General
- [Docker Extension] Contributor instructions @leecalcote (#7837)
- [Server] Enhance Kubernetes missing context error message @leecalcote (#7852)
🖥 Meshery UI
- Bump relay-runtime from 14.1.0 to 15.0.0 in /ui @dependabot (#7773)
- [Performance] revert the subscription delete change @Abhishek-kumar09 (#7853)
- fix settings page title is not updating @Meyazhagan (#7793)
🧰 Maintenance
- Bump relay-runtime from 14.1.0 to 15.0.0 in /ui @dependabot (#7773)
- Update cncf-playground-deploy-meshery.yaml @leecalcote (#7854)
👨🏽💻 Contributors
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible: @Abhishek-kumar09, @Meyazhagan, @dependabot and @leecalcote