Helm Installation


  1. Helm should be installed on your local machine.
  2. You should have access to the cluster/platform where you want to deploy Meshery.
  3. Ensure that the kubeconfig file has the correct current context/cluster configuration.

Install Meshery on Your Kubernetes Cluster Using Helm V3

helm repo add meshery https://meshery.io/charts/ helm install meshery meshery/meshery --namespace meshery --create-namespace

Optionally, Meshery Server supports customizing the callback URL for your remote provider, like so:

helm install meshery meshery/meshery --namespace meshery --set env.MESHERY_SERVER_CALLBACK_URL=https://custom-host --create-namespace

Accessing Meshery UI for Clusters

To access Meshery’s UI , please refer to the accessing-ui guide for detailed instructions.